AAT Academy Membership Terms and Conditions  

Adventures After Teaching Academy – Membership Terms & Conditions

Our core ethos for The Adventures After Teaching Academy  is to help teachers to plan their exit from the classroom and find an exciting new career further afield. This document details from the outset the way in which we will deliver our services to you. If you are planning to join The Adventures After Teaching Academy, (“the Membership”) then you must read these terms and conditions in full prior to purchasing.

1. Membership Terms & Conditions (‘Terms’): Key Details

These Terms cannot be varied and in proceeding to purchase the Membership you will be deemed to have accepted these Terms.
The Terms set out below apply to the services offered by Adventures After Teaching and Joanne Howard.
Please read them carefully as they affect your rights and liabilities under law and set out the Terms under which The Adventures After Teaching Academy (“we”, “our” or “us”) provide services to you, as purchaser of the Membership.
These Terms are subject to any rights you have under consumer law to which we are bound and which cannot be waived by contract.
Please be aware that we may update these Terms at any time. Your continued use of the Membership indicates your acceptance of the terms and agreement to any changes.

2. Membership Outline

The Adventures After Teaching Academy is a membership platform for educators who wish to leave the classroom and begin careers elsewhere.
The Membership is an ongoing commitment where you can receive training,  resources,  regular support and guidance.
It is a place for exhausted teachers to rebuild their confidence.
While this includes support to understand and recover from burnout, it is not intended to offer medical advice and you are advised to consult your doctor if unwell.

3. Eligibility

This membership is suitable for those who are over the age of 18 and who are still teaching, or who have been teachers until recently.

4. Membership Specifics

There are eight elements to the Membership:
- The Teacher Career Change Success Pathway Courses
- Weekly group Career Coaching Zoom calls
- Fortnightly  group CV/LinkedIn Clinic Zoom calls
- Monthly Wellbeing/Confidence workshop Zoom  calls
- Monthly group Signed of Sick Cuppa group Zoom call
 - Monthly group Business Mentoring Zoom calls
- Private community platform
- 1:1 Career Coaching calls are booked separately and incur additional investment

Online Group Coaching/mentoring
Group Coaching Calls will be led by Joanne Howard or one of her appointed coaches.
From time to time they may also be joined by guest speakers.
The group coaching calls will take place over Zoom (recorded) or in a Heartbeat Chat room (not recorded).
During each weekly/monthly live session, members have an opportunity to ask questions on the topic of the call, share their experiences, hear from other members and receive mentoring from Joanne Howard of one of her appointed coaches.  
The information and guidance shared will be based on the tools and resources Joanne Howard (a certified coach and business strategist) has found to be most beneficial for transitioning teachers.
The weekly group Career Coaching, monthly CV/LinkedIn, wellbeing workshops and monthly Business Mentoring sessions will be recorded and made available in the private members area for a month.
The Signed off Sick Cuppa live calls, and any additional coworking calls, are not recorded.

In addition to the group masterclasses and live Q&As there will be additional training resources available for members to consider in their own time.
This is housed in the Adventures After Teaching membership area, which is hosted on Heartbeat.
Courses can be worked through at the member’s own pace and as many times as is necessary.
New resources, recordings etc are added regularly.  
For best results you should work through the welcome video tour first of all, in your own time.
Failure to do so may limit your ability to learn from the tips and guidance shared in the other sessions.
The content of all resources and training will be provided in English, translations are not available.

Private Heartbeat Community
You will have access to a private community to support you during the Membership.
The intention of the group is to provide community support and a network of individuals at a similar stage of career change and who are facing similar challenges.
From time to time Joanne Howard may post and offer support in the community,  but there is no guarantee that posts will be responded to immediately or that any admin mailboxes will be monitored.
Please be advised that whilst we hope that you will be able to utilise the Heartbeat community, we make no guarantees as to the availability of the group and/or the content within the group at any time.
Therefore, always ensure that you have backup copies of any information shared within the group.

5.  Behaviour

It is requested that at all times your behaviour towards others is polite and respectful.
Should your behaviour be deemed offensive or inappropriate we reserve the right to remove you from the Membership with immediate effect.
Each person is responsible for their own behaviour and we will not be held responsible for the behaviour or actions of any other Members.

6.     Membership Fees and Payment Terms

The cost of the Membership is set at the time you subscribe and is inclusive of VAT.  
On subscription you agree to one of two options: a monthly subscription payment giving monthly access, or a single lump payment giving access for the year, both of which are paid via Stripe.  
For ongoing monthly memberships, payments will be taken on the same day each month until you cancel your membership.
Membership can be cancelled at any time and your membership account will be terminated at the end of the billing cycle.  
We reserve the right to change the content and delivery of the services within the membership and the associated price point at any time.
Should we do this we will provide advance notice so that you can decide whether to consider your subscription.
 We shall never increase your membership fees without providing at least 28 days’ notice and without providing you with advance notification.

Yearly Membership
As a Gold member you receive 1:1 coaching calls in addition to 12 months membership.
The Gold Membership includes:
- 1 hr 1:1 Career Alignment Coaching Call with Jo to explore your values, skills and potential career paths
- 1 hr 1:1 CV Review Call from an associate coach to help you edit your skills-based CV
- 1 hr 1:1 Interview Confidence Session from an associate coach to prepare for interview  
- Access to the "Ask Jo" private group community where you can get a personalised video/voice note answer to your questions  
- 12 months access to the Academy resources, calls and community
After your membership expires you will be given the opportunity to continue as an alumni member for a monthly fee, currently set at £33 per calendar month. Alumni membership can be cancelled at any time by going to your account billing settings.

7.Refunds and Cancellation 

It is our aim that you will be completely happy with the Membership and the career change support offered.
However, we appreciate that there may come a time when you wish to leave the Membership.
As you have instant access to the Membership resources, after an initial 14 day grace period,  you will not be entitled to a refund of your subscription fees should you join and then wish to leave.
Please consider the details of the Membership carefully before purchasing and get in touch to ask any questions about suitability.
You will not be entitled to a refund if you change your mind.
Your statutory refund rights are not affected.
If you don't feel the Academy Membership training and resources provide you with the guidance you need, you can request a full refund within 14 days provided:  
- You have not downloaded any of the materials including templates  
- You have not consumed more than 10% of the training videos
All Gold memberships last for a full year from the date of joining.
Once the 365 day membership is over, you will be invited to join the membership as an alumni which you can take up should you wish to do so.
We reserve all rights to cancel the programme for any reason without prior notice.
In such circumstance a refund will be provided for the remainder of that month or year as applicable.
Notwithstanding any right or remedy available to us, we may cancel your Membership with immediate effect:
- If you fail to pay your Membership fees by the relevant due date;
- If you commit a repudiatory breach of the Terms of this agreement;
- As decided at our sole discretion from time to time (in which case a full refund will be given).
To request a full refund please email me at joanne@adventuresafterteaching.com within 14 days.    
Your right to cancel starts the moment you place the order and ends 14 days after you receive the item.  

8. Contact and Schedule

It is the intention that the Membership will run continuously and that any training material, live Q&As and live masterclass sessions will be provided as set out above.
Should an unforeseen reason arise which cause a session(s) to be postponed they will be rearranged as soon as possible.
Throughout the Membership we will be available by email to joanne@adventuresafterteaching.com
You may see us post on social media outside of our core hours. Not all of these posts are live and some will be pre-scheduled.
We are passionate about supporting everyone in the Membership and where we can we may respond to you out of hours but we make no guarantees that this will always be possible.

9. Disclaimers

We make no guarantees or claims as to the success of any member.
Each individual is unique and their abilities are unique to them.
The aim is that our members will receive support via all the materials in the Membership to enable them to exit teaching and secure a job elsewhere.
All training provided will be general information and guidance and will not be bespoke advice.
We are not responsible for any action or inaction which you take as a result of the information within the Membership.
We are not responsible for any loss of opportunity or any investments which you make.
No content in this Membership should be construed as medical advice, whether mental or physical.
If you believe that you require medical attention you should seek assistance from a medical professional immediately.
We ask that all members in the Membership respect the rights of others in respect of their behaviour and privacy.
We will not be responsible for the action of any members including for any disclosures made by any members based on information which has been shared within the Membership. (NB: Behaviour of members is referenced earlier but it is relevant here again as a specific disclaimer.)

10. Limitation of Liability and Indemnification

To the fullest extent permitted by applicable laws, we limit liability and responsibility for any harm resulting from your use of all or any part of the Membership.
We shall not be liable to you for any damages, including lost profits, whether such claim is based on warranty, contract, tort or otherwise (even if we have been advised in advance of the possibility of such damages).
If we are found to be liable to you for any damage or loss which arises out of or is in any way connected with your use of the Membership, our liability shall in no event exceed the total of any fees with respect to the Membership received by us from you, during the 6 months preceding the date on which the claim arose.
Nothing in these Terms shall limit or exclude our liability in respect to fraudulent misrepresentation, death, or personal injury, resulting from our negligence, or any other liability which cannot be limited or excluded by law.
You agree to indemnify, defend and hold us, our subcontractors and employees, harmless from any claim or demand, including solicitors’ fees, made by a third party due to or arising out of your breach of these terms, or your violation of any law or the rights of a third party.

11. Privacy and Confidentiality

Your privacy and protection of your personal data is important to us.
You are responsible for ensuring that your contact details are accurate and up-to-date, at the time of registration, and on an on-going basis thereafter.
Your personal data is protected as set out in our privacy policy which can be found here.
By providing your personal data you agree to the terms of our privacy policy.
During the course of the Membership you may have access to confidential information, in particular the personal affairs of other members.
In accepting these Terms, you agree that you will not use or disclose to any person, organisation or company, and shall use your best endeavours to prevent the publication of any confidential information relating to any other member.  
You accept that any unauthorised disclosure of personal or confidential information belonging to another may amount to immediate dismissal from the Membership.
Should you decide to leave the Membership then you remain bound by the confidentiality and privacy obligations.
Please be aware that some training sessions may be recorded and your name and image/video may be captured.
The recordings of the training will be kept and made available to others in the Membership.
If you provide or share any information within these sessions about yourself or your business that information will be shared within the group.
Should you not wish to be recorded please ensure that if you attend any training your camera is switched off and your name field is changed to “Attendee” with your initials so that support can still be offered but no personal identifiable information will be captured.
Your log-in details must remain confidential, and you must not disclose this information to a third party, without our express permission in writing.
If you know, or suspect, that your log-in details have been obtained by a third party, you agree to change your password immediately, and provide notification of the same as soon as possible by email to joanne@adventuresafterteaching.com

12. Intellectual Property

During your time as a Member you will be provided with access to courses, resources and group coaching calls.
At all times the intellectual property rights and copyrights connected with those materials remain with us.
You have the right to use the materials as learning tools but you are not permitted to duplicate, republish, reproduce, distribute, translate or provide copies to third parties.
We retain and reserve all of our copyrights.

 13. Non-Compete

You agree that whilst in Membership, and for a period of 6 months following termination or cancellation of your Membership, you shall not use the confidential information revealed to you for any commercial purpose.
In addition, you shall not elicit or entice away any current or potential members by sending “Friend Requests” or otherwise targeting them.
You also agree not to become involved in any capacity with any business concern which is in, or tends to be in, direct competition with us.

14. Force Majeure

Where either party is prevented from or delayed in carrying out its obligations under these Terms, due to circumstances beyond their reasonable control including, but not limited to, acts of God, governmental actions, war or national emergency, riot, civil commotion, fire, explosion, flood, inclement weather, pandemic/epidemic, lock-outs, strikes or other employment disputes, performance of their obligations shall be postponed until these circumstances end.

15. Waiver

In the event that we fail to insist upon your strict performance of any obligations under these Terms, or we fail to exercise any rights or remedies to which we are entitled, this will not constitute a waiver of any such rights and / or remedies available to us.    

16. Errors and Inaccuracies

There may be information within our Site or the Membership which contains typographical errors, inaccuracies or omissions relating to the service delivery, pricing or promotion of the Membership.
We reserve the right to correct or amend any errors without prior notice.  

17. Jurisdiction

 These Terms are governed by the laws of England & Wales.
The English Courts have exclusive jurisdiction over any matter and proceedings arising out of the Membership.  

18. Complaints

It is our aim that you are completely satisfied with the Membership.
Should you have any feedback please feel free to share it with us as we are always striving to ensure that we provide you with the highest level of service.
If you have a complaint about the Membership this should be made to made in writing to Joanne Howard by email to joanne@adventuresafterteaching.com

19. General

We intend to rely on the written Terms set out in Terms and Conditions for the services that we provide to you in delivery of the Membership.
These written Terms shall constitute the entire agreement between us.
Should there be any conflict between these Terms and any Membership hosting platform or payment gateway, these Terms shall prevail.
If any provision within these Terms is determined by any court or other competent authority to be unlawful and/or unenforceable, the other provisions will continue in effect.
If any unlawful and/or unenforceable provision would be lawful or enforceable if part of it were deleted, that part will be deemed to be deleted, and the rest of the provision will continue in effect (unless that would contradict the clear intention of the parties, in which case the entirety of the relevant provision will be deemed to be deleted).
No provision within these Terms shall be enforceable by any third party under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 or otherwise.
We may update these Terms and Conditions from time to time for legal or regulatory reasons or to allow the proper operation of your service.
Any changes will be notified to you as soon as possible.

Please Note

Every effort has been made to accurately represent our products and their potential.
There is no guarantee that you will secure an interview using the techniques and ideas in these materials.
Examples in these materials are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of interview/employment.
Potential is entirely dependent on the person using our products, ideas, and techniques.  any claims made of interviews secured or examples of actual results can be verified upon request.
Your level of success in attaining the results claimed in our materials depends on the time you devote to our programs, ideas, and techniques mentioned, your knowledge, and various skills.
Since these factors differ according to the individual, we cannot guarantee your success , nor are we responsible for any of your actions. materials in our products and on our website may contain information that includes, or is based upon, forward-looking statements .
Forward-looking statements give our expectations or forecasts of future events.
You can identify these statements by the fact that they do not relate strictly to historical or current facts.
They use words such as “anticipate,” “estimate,” “expect,” “project,” “intend,” “plan,” “believe,” and other words and terms of similar meaning in connection with a description of potential performance.
Any and all forward-looking statements here, or on any of our sales materials, are intended to express our opinion of career change success.
Many factors are important in determining your actual results and no guarantees are made that you will achieve results similar to ours or the testimonials of our customers.
In fact, no guarantees are made that you will achieve any results from the ideas and techniques in our material.

Frequently Asked Questions 

How long does the membership last? 
You have access to these career and business development courses for the length of your paid membership. Monthly members will have access each month they pay. Gold members have access for 12 months from the date of their payment.   You will also have access to weekly weekend Q&A coaching and monthly business mentoring calls for a whole year.

What if I need additional support?
Additional support can be offered to each member in the form of 1:1 support or guidance. We are happy to support you as required, please contact us directly, additional charges will apply. You can also choose to receive extra support at the outset of the membership by choosing the “Gold” yearly membership option.

Do I need to have left teaching to be a member? 
NOT AT ALL! In fact, this programme is ideal for getting you ready to leave with confidence and control. You'll also find the weekly support helps you manage the stress of the classroom as you plan your exit. I recommend one to two terms to plan your exit if possible. It can be done quicker if needed!

What if I change my mind? 
You have a 14 day money back guarantee - if for any reason you do not find the support and materials fulfil your needs, you can email me for a complete refund.

Will I have time to complete the materials?
The one thing we all want more of is time... Firstly, this is not a course you can fall behind with - it's for you to do in your own time. Secondly, the videos within the course areas are around 10-20 mins long, each with accompanying resources. Some take longer than others (for example writing a personal statement will take longer than an email) but by following this success path, you'll save hours and hours by knowing the most efficient ways to tackle each step of the journey.

If I get a job, do I still have to pay my membership subscription?  
As mentioned above, when you sign up to the membership you choose to join as a monthly member, or a Gold member for the year for a one-off fee. We can not give refunds or partial refunds for monthly or yearly members once they receive a job offer outside of the 14-day refund period. You can still take advantage of the community and use the support to help you settle into your new role!